Is Central Ohio in a Buyer's or Seller's Market?

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Today we will discuss the current real estate market in central Ohio.

There are currently over 7,000 homes on the market in Central Ohio. Over 2,500 homes have sold in the last 30 days, and over 13,000 homes have sold in the last six months. Overall, that gives us 3.2 months of inventory, but this can vary depending on your price bracket.

  • For homes priced up to $350k, it's a strong seller's market.
  • Between $350k and $650k, we have a balanced market.
  • Between $650k and $1 million, it's a buyer's market.
  • Homes over $1 million are in a very strong buyer's market.

Interest rates will continue to increase throughout 2015. Currently, interest rates are steady at 4%, and jumbo rates are even better at 3.856%. I predict that the year will end with interest rates at a stable 4.5-5%

If you have any questions about today's video, or about real estate in general, please give me a call or send me an email. I'd be happy to help you!

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